Moon Phases Calendar - universal lunar calendar for any Locations from 0001AD to 2100 years.
Lunar calendar is one of the oldest calendars in modern society.
A lunar month can only be 29 or 30 days long. This is different than a solar based calendar, where the length is arbitrarily fixed.
- Moonrise
- Moonset
- Moon phases
- Lunar Days
- Illumination
- Distance
- Position
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Altitude
- Azimuth
- Distance
- English
- Russian
How it use:
- View day info: tap on "Day number"
- Change year on Calendar: tap on year number
Bulan Phases Kalender - kalender lunar universal untuk setiap Lokasi dari 0001AD sampai 2100 tahun.
kalender lunar adalah salah satu kalender tertua di masyarakat modern.
Sebuah bulan lunar hanya dapat 29 atau 30 hari panjang. Hal ini berbeda dari kalender berbasis matahari, di mana panjang yang sewenang-wenang tetap.
- Bulan terbit
- Moonset
- Fase Bulan
- Lunar Hari
- Penerangan
- Jarak
- Posisi
+ Bonus:
- Sunrise
- Matahari terbenam
- Ketinggian
- Azimuth
- Jarak
- English
- Rusia
Cara menggunakan:
- Lihat hari Info: tekan pada "nomor Day"
- Perubahan tahun pada Kalender: tekan pada angka tahun
Moon Phases Calendar - universal lunar calendar for any Locations from 0001AD to 2100 years.
Lunar calendar is one of the oldest calendars in modern society.
A lunar month can only be 29 or 30 days long. This is different than a solar based calendar, where the length is arbitrarily fixed.
- Moonrise
- Moonset
- Moon phases
- Lunar Days
- Illumination
- Distance
- Position
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Altitude
- Azimuth
- Distance
- English
- Russian
How it use:
- View day info: tap on "Day number"
- Change year on Calendar: tap on year number